

The first human beings lived with a clear sense of purpose, (1) free of shame, (2) knowing who they were as “image bearers” of the Creator. (3)  Genesis records, however, the results of their sin.  They were cursed with the knowledge of their own wickedness and weakness, and they hid from God in shame over their nakedness.  (4) This same curse leads humans to hide from God in shame even today. (5)

Shame, however, is not the final word.  (6) Jesus, the very image of the invisible God, (7) has come as one of us, (8) to restore humanity to our proper place of honor in God’s creation. (9) Jesus lived free of shame and guilt, (10) and through His death, He offers us the same peace of mind and tranquility of soul. (11)  Read Matthew 16:13-28 where Jesus demonstrates how clearly He knew His own identity and purpose; He embraced both the honor that God had bestowed upon Him, and the sacrifice that He had called Him to.


Wisdom: My Purpose and Vocation

Jesus had a clear sense of direction in His life that was the result of hearing God’s voice calling Him into ministry. (12) Does my purpose in life align with God’s purpose for me? (13)

Justice: Humbly Taking my Place

Jesus was not motivated by pride, and was perfectly willing to work in anonymity and in the spotlight, to serve and to lead, to challenge authority and accept limitations, because He followed the will of His Father. (14) Do I know my place in relationship to God, the community, and the world I live in? (15)

Courage: A Fearless Moral Inventory

Jesus did not hide from the things that tempted Him, frightened Him, or angered Him, instead He confronted these things in the power of the Spirit. (16) Will I “look in the mirror” and, with God’s help, confront whatever I find there? (17)

Self-Control: A Sacrificial Lifestyle

Jesus did not live for Himself, but for God and for others; He was willing to lay down His life as an act of power. (18) Do I live for myself, or for God and His Kingdom? (19)

Faith: My Identity as a Child of God

Jesus never doubted His own worth because He entrusted Himself completely to God as His Father. (20) Do I trust that God is my Father, and that I belong to Him? (21)

Hope: A Future of Glory and Honor

Jesus was able to walk through tremendous difficulty and profound darkness because He knew what was promised to Him, and trusted that it would come to pass. (22) Do I expect that my future is to reign with God as a co-heir with Jesus? (23)

Love: Self-Care

Jesus knew how to life the best life possible, He didn’t shy away from enjoying good things, and never sacrificed His own intimacy with His Father for any reason. (24) Do I take time for myself to be healthy and enjoy the blessed life with God? (25)

If Jesus were “in my shoes,” how would the way I relate to myself be different than it is now?

How could my self awareness/love be deeper, fuller, and more vibrant?

Can I name any specific problems in the way I now relate to myself?

What choices must I make if I am going to love myself the way Jesus does?

Where do I need to repent of unrighteous attitudes, ideas, decisions, or habits?

What do I need to embrace in order to love myself in healthy ways?

What are the barriers to loving myself well?

What will repentance cost me?

What will I have to give up in order to love myself more fully? (relationally, emotionally, financially)

Am I willing to make that choice?

Communicate that to God

Communicate that to another person

How will this choice affect my actions?

Is there a specific act of obedience that I should practice?

Will it change the way I am currently practicing spiritual disciplines?

Is there a new discipline I should be practicing?

Disciplines that focus on our relationship to self:




