The Christian practice of Meditation is learning to focus our mind and hearts on God in order to experience the One who loves you, to be present to what God might want to share with you, and obeying how God prompts. It is an inward fellowship with God that helps us increasingly live with God’s perspective and act accordingly.
“I’ll ponder all the things you’ve accomplished, and give a long, loving look at your acts.” Psalm 77:12
Ways to Practice:
Find a quiet, comfortable place where you feel alert. Remove as many distractions as possible.
Ask God for the desire to meditate and the grace to practice.
Meditate on Scripture – internalize and personalize the passage. Let whatever word or phrase that draws your attention roam around in your mind and heart. Interact with God about these thoughts or feelings that emerge.
Meditate on creation – pay attention to & speak with God about the intricacy and beauty of creation. What does God say to you through creation?
Meditate on current events – What current event captures your attention? What might God be saying to you through current events? Is God inviting you into praying in a new way? See the world through God’s eyes in a new way?
What results might we expect?
Experiencing a deeper awareness of the nearness of God
Developing a depth of insight into other people, ourselves, the world
Developing an ability to notice God’s loving, creative presence in the natural world
“We meditate to give God’s words the opportunity to penetrate, not just our minds, but our emotions – the places where we hurt –and our will – the place where we make choices and decisions. We meditate to encounter the Living Word, Jesus himself. We meditate so that every part of our being, our thoughts and our affections and our ambitions, are turned to face and honour and glorify him.” - Joyce Hugget
For more exploration of Meditation: