The practices of Self-Examination and Confession are allowing the Holy Spirit to help me admit what is true about myself, in the safety of God’s love, in order to embrace God’s gift of forgiveness and restoration.
“Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so you may be healed.” James 5:16
“Investigate my life, O God, find out everything about me; cross-examine and test me, get a clear picture of what I’m about; see for yourself whether I’ve done anything wrong – then guide me on the road to eternal life.” Psalm 139
Ways to practice:
- Imagine you are in a safe place, surrounded by the love of God. Ask God to help you see yourself as he sees you. Remember he sees you absolutely and with love. Using the Ten Commandments as a guide, journal your sins. Go through each, asking for and receiving forgiveness and asking for help to grow into all of who God intends for you to be. Then burn your list to symbolize God removing your sin from you. (Spiritual Disciplines Handbook)
- Regularly admit to God (and sometimes trusted people) the ways your thoughts and/or actions don’t line up with the good life God offers.
- Use this prayer as a guide to confession: “Gracious God, my sins are too heavy to carry, too real to hide, and too deep to undo. Forgive me of what my lips tremble to name and what my heart can no longer bear. I confess my __________ and I humbly ask for your forgiveness.”
- Confess ways we have neglected our call to stewardship of our planet, and/or contributed to(knowingly/unknowingly) unjust systems and societies.
- Make a life confession. Divide your life into segments, reflect on the sins particular to each segment and confess aloud to a trusted person. Experience freedom! (Spiritual Disciplines Handbook)
- Offer forgiveness when someone confesses to you (John 20:23)
What results might we expect?
- Increased intimacy with and gratitude toward God as we open and unburden ourselves in God’s loving presence.
- Thinking of yourself more clearly and accurately and compassionately, as you experience the truth and grace of God’s forgiveness, restoration and transformation.
- More compassion and grace toward others in their faults.
- More honest and loving relationships with others.
“ To confess your sins to God is not to tell [God] anything [God] doesn't already know. Until you confess them, however, they are the abyss between you. When you confess them, they become the bridge. ” - Beyond Words by Frederick Buechner
For more exploration of confession: