

The practice of Witness is modeling and telling of the difference Jesus has made in my life.

 “And when the Holy Spirit comes on you, you will be able to be my witnesses in Jerusalem, all over Judea and Samaria, even to the ends of the world.”  Acts 1:8

Ways to Practice

  1. Write down ways God has been evident in your life in the last 6 months.  Keep this account up-to-date.
  2. Ask God to help you be aware of people in your life for whom your story is important, and for the words, time and courage to share with them.
  3. Tell people ways you experience the love and transformation of God in your everyday life, using everyday words (not churchy words).
  4. Make a list of people for whom you are hoping will respond to God.  Next to each name, write one way you could be the hands and feet of Jesus to them in the near future.

What results might we expect?

  • People getting a “taste” of Jesus wherever we go.
  • People investigating deeper life with God for themselves.
  • Seeing people we know embrace Jesus.

“Our communication of the gospel depends not on human strategies or well-polished techniques or even brilliantly reasoned arguments but on divine initiative. It is the hidden work of the Holy Spirit that gives our words meaning and power and produces changed hearts.”   

Rebecca Manley Pippert