The first human beings lived in deep friendship with God. They enjoyed His presence and His love. They offered their own presence and love to Him in return. To our deep dismay, that fellowship with God was broken, (1) and our first parents were cast out of the garden where they had walked with God. (2) Humanity has suffered under the curse ever since. (3)
The curse, however, was not the final word. (4) Jesus is bringing all things back into right relationship with God, through His death on the cross. (5) Jesus, the very Son of God, (6) came to restore us to deep friendship with God. (7) Jesus enjoyed the favor of God, His Father. (8) Father and Son shared everything, holding back nothing from each other. (9) Read John 17 where the longest recorded prayer of Jesus is recounted for us. Look to see how the Father and the Son interact with each other.
Wisdom: Receiving from God
The wisdom of Jesus, His ability to know and do what was good and powerful, was received directly from God. (10) Will we receive wisdom from God? (11)
Justice: Giving to God
Jesus treated His Father justly, always giving God honor and service. (12) Will we do justice to God? (13)
Courage: Allegiance to God
Jesus’ courage was on display as He was fully allied with God, no matter the cost to Himself. (14) Will we live in courageous allegiance to God? (15)
Self-Control: Imitating God
The self-control of Jesus, His ability to resist evil and temptation, came from the simple act of a Son imitating His Father. (16) Will we imitate God and resist evil? (17)
Faith: Obedience to God
Jesus demonstrated His complete faith in God by doing whatever it was that His Father desired. (18) Will we trust God enough to obey Him? (19)
Hope: Waiting on God
In waiting on God, Jesus made clear His hope in a future that only God could make a reality. (20) Will we hope in God’s future? (21)
Love: Enjoying God
Jesus loved His Father, and enjoyed being with Him. (22) Will we love God and enjoy His Presence? (23)
If Jesus were “in my shoes,” what would my relationship with God be like?
How could my relationship with God be more vibrant?
Can I name any specific problems in the way I now relate to God?
What choices must I make if I am going to love God the way Jesus does?
Where do I need to repent of unrighteous attitudes, ideas, or habits?
What do I need to embrace in order to love God more fully?
What are the barriers to loving God more fully?
What will repentance cost me?
What must I give up in order to fully embrace God?
Am I willing to make that choice?
Communicate that to God.
Communicate that to another person.
How will this choice affect my actions?
Is there a specific act of obedience that I should practice?
Will it change the way I am currently practicing spiritual disciplines?
Is there a new discipline I should be practicing?
(1) Genesis 3:8-10, (2) Genesis 3:23-24, (3) ?, (4) Revelation 22:3, (5) Colossians 1:20, (6) John 1:18, (7) 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 & John 1:12, (8) Matthew 3:16-17, (9) John 5:19-27, (10) Luke 5:16, (11) James 1:2-5, (12) Mark 12:13-17, (13) Romans 12:1-2 & Ephesians 4:1, (14) Matthew 26:39 & 42, (15) Acts 5:27-33, (16) John 5:16-21, (17) Ephesians 5:1-21, (18) Luke 4:1, (19) John 14:23-24, (20) Matthew 11:25-30, (21) Romans 8:18-30, (22) Luke 10:27, (23) 1 John 4:13-19